This weekend was beautifully sunny and I finally had the opportunity to try out a project that's been stuck in my head for a long time. Inspired by a couple different blogs, I knew exactly how I wanted to personalize the idea when I heard the phrase, "I could sail the world", at a Honey Trees concert a couple weeks ago. I have a terrible case of wanderlust, always planning the next city to explore. This is the perfect little tank to wear at the beginning of any adventure. The routine of life can become so oppressive, but that's why we have dreams. Don't ever let them go.
- Shirt
- Cup of bleach
- Paintbrush
- Cardboard
- Gloves (optional)
- Chalk (optional)
1. Sketch out your design/words with the chalk or skip to step 2 if you're free-handing it.
2. Dip your paintbrush in the bleach, making sure to wipe any extra drops off on the side of the container.

3. Trace over your chalk outline or paint freehand. Go slow and steady, no need to rush!

4. After the bleach dries, you will probably need to go over the parts you missed or that need to be evened out and made thicker.
5. I flicked a few drops of bleach over the whole thing with my paintbrush to finish it off (the more bleach on your brush, the bigger the spots), but go for the look that suits your design best!